Saturday, December 30, 2023


On the Last Day of Another Year

In the midst of winters, alone I sit
By the window of my soul
A haunting melody stirs my nerves 
And tears write the sadness scroll

I wonder why I don’t swim
In the rivers of world’s thought
Why those who claim to see the unseen
In me, cannot be more distraught

The smiling veneer hides the war
Self has waged through its course
Fighting on all fronts, battles aplenty
Protected only by the spirit’s force

Even from keepers of life’s secrets,
Who you loved well, especially those,
Judgement seldom slowed its way,
Lazy advice, was often supposed.

The train of thoughts is running
Skipping at high speeds, alas!
The inventor didn’t leave instructions
And I too may have missed his class

It’s time to stop the chugging ascent
Afar is the final station, hasn’t arrived
Soul’s journey is higher than its pain’s arc,
Even with shards stuck, the will has survived.