Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stay Away My Dear!

An overcast sky,
Clouded with darkness
A spring of colour
Spreads nevertheless.

Yet he Forbids
Happiness to come near
A tale spun so sordid
That Quoth he
“Stay Away My Dear”

What shalt she say
Grown weary with neglect.
Their Conversations abound
Erratic and Forlorn
Emphatic with words
And Absence of Sound

O’ she wonders!
How at fault was she?
And so she Wonders
As Time Flies Nigh
Is her Love someday To Be?


Apurv said...

I pray things turn out as you wish soon sometime...Pygmalion Effect hee sahee ..although i reallly doubt if it's worth so much conviction of yours

iampvr said...

nice one ...
there is meaning in every line !